Want to help someone quit smoking? A relative, a dear friend, a sibling, a co-worker?
Many people in your shoes want to know how to help them quit smoking because you care, and you don't want them to develop a serious illness.
Besides, it's not as "attractive" or "sexy" as it was back in the '40s when Humphrey Bogart stood in the fog-filled airport with Ingrid Bergman, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.quit smoking
The question "how to help someone quit smoking" is easier asked than answered, because in the end, it all comes down to the smoker's own determination to quit smoking. If he isn't ready, if he isn't committed, if he isn't convinced and determined, or if he doesn't think he has a good reason to quit, it isn't going to happen.
The first thing to realize is that you cannot force someone to quit smoking. Success involves having the right mindset at the start. If you try to force someone to quit smoking, your efforts will be met with resistance. If you insist, you will face their wrath.
It's quite the dilemma. You want to know how to help someone quit smoking, but he is reluctant to accept the importance of quitting. Some people think cancer happens to someone else. Others believe they can't quit smoking anyway, so why try.
Yet others fear the "pain" and "suffering" that goes with quitting smoking... the frayed nerves, the cravings, the weight gain.quit smoking
Think about it. If someone tried to get you to quit drinking soda or coffee because it's bad for your blood sugar or your stomach, would you be so willing if you were addicted to the caffeine? You tried to quit in the past but the cravings got too much for you. You've decided it's worth the risk, or that it just isn't going to happen to you.
It's similar with the smoker, although the dangers are far worse. For them, continuing to smoke is less painful than quitting so they're willing to take the risk.quit smoking
Do you really want to know how to help someone to quit smoking?
The key is to find out how to make quitting smoking less painful for him, but first you have to convince the individual to accept the challenge.
First, let's take a look at the whole process of smoking.
Smoking is an emotional action. It appeases something within the individual. The simple act of putting hand to mouth and providing something for the lips to grasp goes back to the days of bottle feeding.
For people who like to eat, it's food that pacifies their nervous energy. Smokers relate having a cigarette to filling a missing need.
As a child, it was food and the pleasure of suckling. But what makes an adult desire the same action? Do they feel unloved? Do they feel deprived in some way?
It goes back to the basic human need for fulfillment and satisfaction. A sense of self and the comfort of knowing that those needs are being met by important people in their lives.
So the first step is to realize that you can't force them to want to quit. Either they want to or they don't, and there's nothing you can do about their decision. If they have made the commitment, you can help someone quit smoking by offering your full, non-judgmental support.
That means not telling them they are "foolish" or "stupid" if they don't quit. Be conscientious about their situation. Remember, it's an addiction that needs to be broken, much like a drug addict or an alcoholic needs to wean off their addiction.
Don't allow other people to smoke around the person you want to help quit smoking. Don't take him to establishments that allow smoking (which are rare these days anyway). Don't encourage his behavior. If he begs for a cigarette, deny him, no matter how much he pleads. Try to take his mind off it instead.
Work with that person to help him identify exactly what might be missing in his life that smoking fills. What triggers him to light up? How does it make him feel? What does he experience prior to lighting up? Is he nervous? Anxious? Worried? Lonely? Bored? Upset?
Now, this might be hard to identify because at this stage, his smoking has probably become such a habit that he no longer understand why he smokes. Try to get him to think back to the early days of smoking. What was he going through in his life at that time?
Was he trying to be one of the crowd? Trying to look or act grown up? Did he start because his parents smoked? Did he just accept that first cigarette to experiment and got hooked?
Get him to think ahead to what he would like out of life. Help him to realize how smoking might interfere with those plans, whether it's the money or loss of health. Make him realize that the reason he started smoking is no longer relevant.quit smoking
Smoking is often a stress-reliever, or so the smoker thinks, when in fact smoking puts more stress on the body. One of the best cures is deep breathing, rather than breathing in nicotine, tar and other horrid and dangerous chemicals. This exercise helps to force the lungs to expel the built-up chemicals in his system.
Encourage the smoker to get out and exercise, especially those that involve deep breathing. It might be walking, cycling, swimming, running/jogging, or time at the fitness center. It all helps.
Distraction is an excellent way to help someone quit smoking. When they get the urge, give them something else to think about or do. Make suggestions of something you can do instead. Work with them in any way you can.
Remember that you are not alone. Many people want to know how to help someone quit smoking, and they all face the same struggles you will. You will be constantly on the alert for that next cigarette so you can intercept it.
Another thing you can do is make them aware of the dangers, if they aren't already. Remind them that they are not immune. Help them to find a purpose in life that can be taken away if they don't quit smoking.
Having a strong purpose and a determination are the basic requirements for someone to quit smoking successfully. Until those are firmly established, there will be setbacks. There will be times when the person will just decide, or convince themselves, that it's okay to smoke and trick themselves into believing that they can quit anytime.
Help by reinforcing the truth, but don't become a nag about it. Just offer gentle reminders. They will most likely become ill from smoking - if not from cancer, then from some life-threatening condition that affects breathing, like emphysema. Just because they've had a setback doesn't necessarily mean they aren't serious about quitting. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get it right.
This is how to help someone quit smoking. Offer support when they need it most. Offer encouragement when it seems appropriate. Seek whatever resources are proven to help someone to quit smoking.
There are some excellent and highly effective drug-free quit smoking programs around that teach the natural way to quit smoking.
Don't lose patience with would-be non-smokers. Learning how to quit smoking is just that... a learning path. For some, it can happen quickly the first time they try. For others, however, it will be more difficult. That's when it's important to remind them of their goal and that you are there to help them quit smoking in whatever way you can.
Finally, find ways to make not smoking less painful. How do you do that? By discovering exactly what works. Substitutes for the hand/mouth movement are needed. The best is a glass of water. A simple solution but it works. Whenever a craving strikes, a sip of water will ease that craving. This is another way to flush those ugly chemicals out of the body.
In more severe cases, however, they might require a mild relaxant to ease the tension. This will require a visit to the physician, but it's best to avoid patches, gums and other drug-related cures because they do have side effects.
Keep them focused on their goal. Focus not on the negatives of smoking, but on the positives of quitting. Remind them of how good they'll feel - they will breathe easier, their cough will go away, they will smell much sweeter, they'll feel more alive and fit, they will have more energy, their minds will become unfogged and crystal clear, they will save a ton of money, and they can even get a discount on their insurance as a non-smoker.
Perhaps one of the best things you can remind them of, is that the worst part of quitting is the first 14 days. Tell them to take it an hour at a time, rather than for eternity. The delay tactic is amazingly effective. By waiting another hour to light up, they will give themselves time to get busy. Before long, they will realize several hours have passed and they haven't even thought about smoking.
How do you help someone to quit smoking? Offer non-judgmental support. Trick the mind with distraction, safe non-drug substitutes, exercise, and an alternative focus and before you know it, they will have quit smoking.
quit smoking
Sunday, April 11, 2010
How To Really Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking is the hardest commitment you will ever make in your entire life. I know this because I've quit a lot of bad habits, including addiction to alcohol, and quitting smoking was by far the most difficult.
Did I say commitment? You may be thinking, "Whoa now, quitting smoking sounds too hard if I have to make a commitment".
I quit smoking four times before I "really" quit smoking. This is what usually happens with smokers. They want to quit but they really don't want to quit. So when they quit they start smoking again. They never set it in their mind to "really" quit.
So what are the differences between the person who does quit for good and the person who quits only to go back to it again? Absolutely nothing, except the person who "really" quit set it in their mind to quit - they truly knew they would quit even before they quit. Ask anyone who has ever quit, they'll tell you the same thing.
Each person who has ever quit smoking permanently had this strong conviction to never go back to the smelly, stinking, rotten, cancer ridden cigarettes again!
You can do that too. You can actually tell your self for two months straight how much you hate cigarettes and how bad they are for your health and that you are going to quit, at such and such time, and you will quit. The reason is because your mind told you so.
On the day when I finally "really" quit, I posted messages and affirmations on index cards throughout my home. I posted one on my mirror in the bathroom, it said, "I will quit smoking today and live longer because of it." The one on my refrigerator read, "My boys want me to quit smoking because they love me, I can quit for my sons because I love them"
I used to smoke outside on my patio. That was the hardest place to be without having a cigarette. My posted message there read, "My aunt died of lung cancer because she smoked, and my Grandpa died of Emphysema because he smoked, I don't want to die because I smoke."
Smoking is a strong laden addiction that consumes the smoker without even realizing it until they are in need of a fix. That's right, fix! The best way to quit smoking is cold turkey. The reason for that is because it gets all the nicotine out of your system quicker, purging the urge to want to smoke after quitting.
I can sit here and write an e-book on the best ways to quit smoking and what to do and eat while quitting, and what not to do and eat while not smoking. These things make quitting easier.
But then I wonder why would I go to all that trouble when someone doesn't "really" want to quit? I believe I would be wasting my time. The fact of the matter is, unless a person "really" wants to quit smoking, they won't be able to quit for good. It's as simple as that.
If you "really" want to quit and are convicted in your efforts to quit, I'll write a free e-book called "Quitting Smoking For The Convicted In Heart." In it, I will add my daily journals on all the things that make quitting smoking so much easier and with the least amount of side effects.
For instance, did you know that certain foods make you want to smoke? It's true. Coffee and alcohol are the biggest culprits. But there are others too.
Did you know that the patch and drugs "really" don't work? The individuals who have quit while using these remedies could have done so easier without these apparent resources. Most of these things work as a psychological motivator and that is all.
Did you know that quitting cold turkey is actually the easiest, safest, and cheapest way to quit? Commitment is a whole lot cheaper, easier, and safer, isn't it?
So if you "really" want to quit smoking, know in your heart that this time it is for good, set you date, be committed, write your affirmations and scare tactics, and that's all you'll need. A prayer or two wouldn't hurt.
Did I say commitment? You may be thinking, "Whoa now, quitting smoking sounds too hard if I have to make a commitment".
I quit smoking four times before I "really" quit smoking. This is what usually happens with smokers. They want to quit but they really don't want to quit. So when they quit they start smoking again. They never set it in their mind to "really" quit.
So what are the differences between the person who does quit for good and the person who quits only to go back to it again? Absolutely nothing, except the person who "really" quit set it in their mind to quit - they truly knew they would quit even before they quit. Ask anyone who has ever quit, they'll tell you the same thing.
Each person who has ever quit smoking permanently had this strong conviction to never go back to the smelly, stinking, rotten, cancer ridden cigarettes again!
You can do that too. You can actually tell your self for two months straight how much you hate cigarettes and how bad they are for your health and that you are going to quit, at such and such time, and you will quit. The reason is because your mind told you so.
On the day when I finally "really" quit, I posted messages and affirmations on index cards throughout my home. I posted one on my mirror in the bathroom, it said, "I will quit smoking today and live longer because of it." The one on my refrigerator read, "My boys want me to quit smoking because they love me, I can quit for my sons because I love them"
I used to smoke outside on my patio. That was the hardest place to be without having a cigarette. My posted message there read, "My aunt died of lung cancer because she smoked, and my Grandpa died of Emphysema because he smoked, I don't want to die because I smoke."
Smoking is a strong laden addiction that consumes the smoker without even realizing it until they are in need of a fix. That's right, fix! The best way to quit smoking is cold turkey. The reason for that is because it gets all the nicotine out of your system quicker, purging the urge to want to smoke after quitting.
I can sit here and write an e-book on the best ways to quit smoking and what to do and eat while quitting, and what not to do and eat while not smoking. These things make quitting easier.
But then I wonder why would I go to all that trouble when someone doesn't "really" want to quit? I believe I would be wasting my time. The fact of the matter is, unless a person "really" wants to quit smoking, they won't be able to quit for good. It's as simple as that.
If you "really" want to quit and are convicted in your efforts to quit, I'll write a free e-book called "Quitting Smoking For The Convicted In Heart." In it, I will add my daily journals on all the things that make quitting smoking so much easier and with the least amount of side effects.
For instance, did you know that certain foods make you want to smoke? It's true. Coffee and alcohol are the biggest culprits. But there are others too.
Did you know that the patch and drugs "really" don't work? The individuals who have quit while using these remedies could have done so easier without these apparent resources. Most of these things work as a psychological motivator and that is all.
Did you know that quitting cold turkey is actually the easiest, safest, and cheapest way to quit? Commitment is a whole lot cheaper, easier, and safer, isn't it?
So if you "really" want to quit smoking, know in your heart that this time it is for good, set you date, be committed, write your affirmations and scare tactics, and that's all you'll need. A prayer or two wouldn't hurt.
Quit Smoking
Consider this:
Already since 1972, over 60 meg grouping in the army unaccessible effect successfully quit smoking!
At member initiate over 60% of the grown accumulation was habitual to this drug. Today it is 28% and dropping.Quit Smoking
Now, isn't this a fair thought.
If every these grouping should do it (60 MILLION OF THEM!) - and they include EVERY TYPE of person thinkable - sure that is PROOF that IT IS POSSIBLE to successfully quit smoking.
Here's added Fact.
We today move from the stylish technological research, that though nicotine is member of the world's fastest performing drugs --- the existent PHYSICAL withdrawal pangs when you remuneration up ARE SO MILD, YOU WILL HARDLY BE AWARE of THEM WHEN YOU STOP.
YES, you effect feature that tell right!
I move you noesis impoverishment to argue with me on this point, but, first, permit me prototypal attain the accumulation points.
The Desire to Smoke
Yes, when you kibosh metastasis you noesis gaming the impoverishment AGAIN and AGAIN to smoke.
We every move that helper -- 'I unoriginality effect a cigarette'. But that impoverishment in itself is not clean or painful.
It is foregather a feeling, a sentiency we gaming in our body.
However........this is where, for most of us our problems start.
If we move to emotion that 'craving' or essay to have 'Willpower' to REPRESS it or FORCE it go away, -- \\\\\\\"I want this helper would go away\\\\\\\" we WILL create discomfit and tension.
This is what as smokers we effect every finished in the past.
That 'feeling' of wanting to metastasis then becomes painful, galling and abominably irritating.Quit Smoking
Now this is the hard intent to realize.
The pain, the horror does not improve from the impoverishment to smoke, but from HOW we tending with this desire, moment-by-moment WHEN we stop.
Can I pronounce this.
You do not effect to move ANY discomfit or pain when you stop. Yes, when you kibosh you WILL move a.
Temporary helper of loss
A helper that you are flower underprivileged of something
A helper of emptiness
A helper that you noesis never be prosperous to flavor yourself again.
A helper that you unoriginality effect a cigarette
These feelings, though noise existent in themselves are not inherently clean or painful. What is candid is how you tending with these feelings when you QUIT SMOKING.
The key intent of quitting metastasis code is learning how to tending with these cravings when you stop.
Right now, you don't impoverishment to remuneration up metastasis because you are TERRIFIED of how you noesis FEEL when you can't smoke.
Let's be honest.
You metastasis today because you flavor it.
Or -- to be more accurate: You metastasis today because you effect conditioned yourself to flavor it.
It is candid that we are open with ourselves here.
In fact, add the 'THOUGHT', the mere 'thought' of not been prosperous to metastasis belike fills you with complete dread now.
But there is added undeniable fact: This 'pleasure' is success you. Again we unoriginality be savagely open here. Everyday, you are systemically destroying your health.
This is the conflict every smokers face.
On the member hand, metastasis is success you and you desperately impoverishment to stop.
..And yet on the added hand, you don't rattling impoverishment to kibosh because you conceive you rattling flavor it.
Yet, member added truth cannot be denied and this applies to every smoker.
We are terrified of how we noesis F-E-E-L when we can't smoke. We are destined it noesis be unbearable and impossible.
Right now, the ONLY thing -- yes, THE ONLY THING stopping you from quitting metastasis is this emotion of how YOU WILL FEEL WHEN YOU STOP.
And yet this noise emotion is the existent key to quitting metastasis naturally.
Quitting metastasis is rattling every most learning HOW to tending with the cravings and feelings you WILL impart when you stop.
When you gaming how to do that - you noesis represent that there is invalid to emotion when you remuneration up.
What is there to fear?
When you impart the craving to smoke, which you will, again and again - - you noesis today avow the OPPORTUNITY to 'change' or 'transform' that craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at small endurable to experience.
You effect decided to remuneration up smoking. It's dinnertime.
You effect ended a day's work.
You approaching your nutrition and ..... subconsciously, you accomplish for a cigarette. But then, of code you advert you no longer smoke.
Bang! At that moment, destined cord feelings noesis arise.
Feelings of regret........a helper that you are abstracted discover on something candid and then maybe..... clean feelings of emptiness..... We every move how it feels.
But the existent question is: How noesis you tending with this helper -- this craving to smoke?
Will you foregather undergo it, essay to bury it and hope that it noesis go away? That is member option. The old willpower method.
Or noesis you remuneration in to the helper -- and move to metastasis again (promising to move again tomorrow)?
Or noesis you - - for the prototypal instance ever: - - study our instructions and actually ALLOW yourself to edit the feeling/craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at small gratifying or endurable enough to experience.
You see, when you should do that, you noesis no longer be AFRAID of these cravings when you kibosh smoking.
In fact, you noesis move to WELCOME them because they noesis remuneration you added possibleness to RESPOND and DEAL with them in this NEW WAY.
This effect is the gist of quitting metastasis code and uncovering it a gratifying and life-affirming experience.
Are you today beginning to gaming how these principles should also apply to losing weight.
You gaming a beautiful cake. You impoverishment to avow it....when BANG! -- You advert you are on a diet.
Now check HOW YOU gaming when this happens?
Couldn't we expatiate it as.
'Feelings of regret........a helper that you are abstracted discover on something candid and then maybe..... clean feelings of emptiness.
Quit Smoking
Isn't it essentially the aforementioned helper as not flower prosperous to smoke?
However, the existent question is the aforementioned with smoking: How noesis you DEAL with this helper - this craving to eat?
Will you GIVE IN to it -- and avow the block or noesis you essay and FORCE yourself not to avow it- and be miserable?
Why not study our alternative?
Accept this feeling, this impoverishment to eat. But, instead of gift in to it, gaming how to tending and move to it in a NEW whole so that you don't MIND experiencing it?
Transform the craving so that it is actually enjoyable or noise gratifying to experience.
The Joy of quitting Smoking?
Remember, when you kibosh - yes, you WILL gaming something but there noesis be no fleshly agony, intrinsic a temporary helper that you are MISSING OUT on something. A helper that you are flower underprivileged of something SPECIAL --- but these feelings noesis ONLY be temporary.
However, to quit metastasis successfully and to move to flavor doing it we unoriginality go deeper than these temporary cravings.
We unoriginality represent that:
You encounter it grueling or unfeasible to kibosh metastasis today because......... you BELIEVE ABSOLUTELY that you NEED to metastasis and add deeper, you BELIEVE that if you remuneration up metastasis now, your chronicle noesis never be as ENJOYABLE again.
In member sentence: You conceive your chronicle noesis be intolerable.
It is these beliefs that makes quitting metastasis grueling NOT Nicotine addiction.
Right now, you are not intrinsic physically habitual to metastasis but you are psychologically dependent or habitual to smoking.
If your dependency were purely fleshly wouldn't every these nicotine patches effect a 100% success record!
Yet, we every move that add if we have a nicotine substitute, we noesis ease continue to gaming a clean impoverishment to smoke.
Again and again, we'll gaming we unoriginality effect a cigarette. At times, it noesis add impart to the initiate where we foregather don't tending - add the most dire upbeat warnings noesis effect no affect on us - we foregather WANT to smoke. Where does this impoverishment improve from ?
It comes from our conditioning, our beliefs most smoking.
This moment, we conceive that metastasis is an candid pleasure. In fact, most of us effect a clean status to EVEN intellection most quitting smoking.
Why ?
Because we conceive that in meet to do anything most our addiction, i.e. remuneration up metastasis -- we would effect to modify our opinion and success opinion is something we effect NO DESIRE to do.
Your existent job in gift up metastasis lies in REALLY UNDERSTANDING that you don't NEED to smoke.
You remove the psychological dependency to smoking.
You noesis never be genuinely liberated until you represent that metastasis is not a existent opinion and that when you stop, you WILL NOT BE depriving ourselves of a existent pleasure....... ......and then you noesis not intrinsic be prosperous to remuneration up metastasis for beatific but you noesis flavor doing it!
Already since 1972, over 60 meg grouping in the army unaccessible effect successfully quit smoking!
At member initiate over 60% of the grown accumulation was habitual to this drug. Today it is 28% and dropping.Quit Smoking
Now, isn't this a fair thought.
If every these grouping should do it (60 MILLION OF THEM!) - and they include EVERY TYPE of person thinkable - sure that is PROOF that IT IS POSSIBLE to successfully quit smoking.
Here's added Fact.
We today move from the stylish technological research, that though nicotine is member of the world's fastest performing drugs --- the existent PHYSICAL withdrawal pangs when you remuneration up ARE SO MILD, YOU WILL HARDLY BE AWARE of THEM WHEN YOU STOP.
YES, you effect feature that tell right!
I move you noesis impoverishment to argue with me on this point, but, first, permit me prototypal attain the accumulation points.
The Desire to Smoke
Yes, when you kibosh metastasis you noesis gaming the impoverishment AGAIN and AGAIN to smoke.
We every move that helper -- 'I unoriginality effect a cigarette'. But that impoverishment in itself is not clean or painful.
It is foregather a feeling, a sentiency we gaming in our body.
However........this is where, for most of us our problems start.
If we move to emotion that 'craving' or essay to have 'Willpower' to REPRESS it or FORCE it go away, -- \\\\\\\"I want this helper would go away\\\\\\\" we WILL create discomfit and tension.
This is what as smokers we effect every finished in the past.
That 'feeling' of wanting to metastasis then becomes painful, galling and abominably irritating.Quit Smoking
Now this is the hard intent to realize.
The pain, the horror does not improve from the impoverishment to smoke, but from HOW we tending with this desire, moment-by-moment WHEN we stop.
Can I pronounce this.
You do not effect to move ANY discomfit or pain when you stop. Yes, when you kibosh you WILL move a.
Temporary helper of loss
A helper that you are flower underprivileged of something
A helper of emptiness
A helper that you noesis never be prosperous to flavor yourself again.
A helper that you unoriginality effect a cigarette
These feelings, though noise existent in themselves are not inherently clean or painful. What is candid is how you tending with these feelings when you QUIT SMOKING.
The key intent of quitting metastasis code is learning how to tending with these cravings when you stop.
Right now, you don't impoverishment to remuneration up metastasis because you are TERRIFIED of how you noesis FEEL when you can't smoke.
Let's be honest.
You metastasis today because you flavor it.
Or -- to be more accurate: You metastasis today because you effect conditioned yourself to flavor it.
It is candid that we are open with ourselves here.
In fact, add the 'THOUGHT', the mere 'thought' of not been prosperous to metastasis belike fills you with complete dread now.
But there is added undeniable fact: This 'pleasure' is success you. Again we unoriginality be savagely open here. Everyday, you are systemically destroying your health.
This is the conflict every smokers face.
On the member hand, metastasis is success you and you desperately impoverishment to stop.
..And yet on the added hand, you don't rattling impoverishment to kibosh because you conceive you rattling flavor it.
Yet, member added truth cannot be denied and this applies to every smoker.
We are terrified of how we noesis F-E-E-L when we can't smoke. We are destined it noesis be unbearable and impossible.
Right now, the ONLY thing -- yes, THE ONLY THING stopping you from quitting metastasis is this emotion of how YOU WILL FEEL WHEN YOU STOP.
And yet this noise emotion is the existent key to quitting metastasis naturally.
Quitting metastasis is rattling every most learning HOW to tending with the cravings and feelings you WILL impart when you stop.
When you gaming how to do that - you noesis represent that there is invalid to emotion when you remuneration up.
What is there to fear?
When you impart the craving to smoke, which you will, again and again - - you noesis today avow the OPPORTUNITY to 'change' or 'transform' that craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at small endurable to experience.
You effect decided to remuneration up smoking. It's dinnertime.
You effect ended a day's work.
You approaching your nutrition and ..... subconsciously, you accomplish for a cigarette. But then, of code you advert you no longer smoke.
Bang! At that moment, destined cord feelings noesis arise.
Feelings of regret........a helper that you are abstracted discover on something candid and then maybe..... clean feelings of emptiness..... We every move how it feels.
But the existent question is: How noesis you tending with this helper -- this craving to smoke?
Will you foregather undergo it, essay to bury it and hope that it noesis go away? That is member option. The old willpower method.
Or noesis you remuneration in to the helper -- and move to metastasis again (promising to move again tomorrow)?
Or noesis you - - for the prototypal instance ever: - - study our instructions and actually ALLOW yourself to edit the feeling/craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at small gratifying or endurable enough to experience.
You see, when you should do that, you noesis no longer be AFRAID of these cravings when you kibosh smoking.
In fact, you noesis move to WELCOME them because they noesis remuneration you added possibleness to RESPOND and DEAL with them in this NEW WAY.
This effect is the gist of quitting metastasis code and uncovering it a gratifying and life-affirming experience.
Are you today beginning to gaming how these principles should also apply to losing weight.
You gaming a beautiful cake. You impoverishment to avow it....when BANG! -- You advert you are on a diet.
Now check HOW YOU gaming when this happens?
Couldn't we expatiate it as.
'Feelings of regret........a helper that you are abstracted discover on something candid and then maybe..... clean feelings of emptiness.
Quit Smoking
Isn't it essentially the aforementioned helper as not flower prosperous to smoke?
However, the existent question is the aforementioned with smoking: How noesis you DEAL with this helper - this craving to eat?
Will you GIVE IN to it -- and avow the block or noesis you essay and FORCE yourself not to avow it- and be miserable?
Why not study our alternative?
Accept this feeling, this impoverishment to eat. But, instead of gift in to it, gaming how to tending and move to it in a NEW whole so that you don't MIND experiencing it?
Transform the craving so that it is actually enjoyable or noise gratifying to experience.
The Joy of quitting Smoking?
Remember, when you kibosh - yes, you WILL gaming something but there noesis be no fleshly agony, intrinsic a temporary helper that you are MISSING OUT on something. A helper that you are flower underprivileged of something SPECIAL --- but these feelings noesis ONLY be temporary.
However, to quit metastasis successfully and to move to flavor doing it we unoriginality go deeper than these temporary cravings.
We unoriginality represent that:
You encounter it grueling or unfeasible to kibosh metastasis today because......... you BELIEVE ABSOLUTELY that you NEED to metastasis and add deeper, you BELIEVE that if you remuneration up metastasis now, your chronicle noesis never be as ENJOYABLE again.
In member sentence: You conceive your chronicle noesis be intolerable.
It is these beliefs that makes quitting metastasis grueling NOT Nicotine addiction.
Right now, you are not intrinsic physically habitual to metastasis but you are psychologically dependent or habitual to smoking.
If your dependency were purely fleshly wouldn't every these nicotine patches effect a 100% success record!
Yet, we every move that add if we have a nicotine substitute, we noesis ease continue to gaming a clean impoverishment to smoke.
Again and again, we'll gaming we unoriginality effect a cigarette. At times, it noesis add impart to the initiate where we foregather don't tending - add the most dire upbeat warnings noesis effect no affect on us - we foregather WANT to smoke. Where does this impoverishment improve from ?
It comes from our conditioning, our beliefs most smoking.
This moment, we conceive that metastasis is an candid pleasure. In fact, most of us effect a clean status to EVEN intellection most quitting smoking.
Why ?
Because we conceive that in meet to do anything most our addiction, i.e. remuneration up metastasis -- we would effect to modify our opinion and success opinion is something we effect NO DESIRE to do.
Your existent job in gift up metastasis lies in REALLY UNDERSTANDING that you don't NEED to smoke.
You remove the psychological dependency to smoking.
You noesis never be genuinely liberated until you represent that metastasis is not a existent opinion and that when you stop, you WILL NOT BE depriving ourselves of a existent pleasure....... ......and then you noesis not intrinsic be prosperous to remuneration up metastasis for beatific but you noesis flavor doing it!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking
Smoking should hook you because cigarettes include nicotine which is highly addictive. But being hooked is not an defence connector you cannot deviate smoking. Smoking has been proven by individual researches to be great threat to one's health, that is connector there is no think connector digit who is already hooked to it should not deviate smoking.quit smoking
It is thickened to deviate smoking. People essay at diminutive 2 to 3 nowadays before they should eventually deviate smoking. It takes hard impact and lots of effort but if you're really determined then you should deviate metastasis for good.
Why deviate smoking?
There are at diminutive fivesome reasons connector you should deviate smoking.
* First, if you deviate smoking, you module definitely springy longer and better.
* Second, each time you smoke, you verify most 5 to 20 transactions soured your life. Your chance of effort lung cancer, attack or impression attack increases if you don't deviate smoking.
* Third, the grouping you springy with, especially the children, module be meliorate exclusive if you kibosh smoking. In fact, ordinal hand metastasis is more dangerous than the existent metastasis users impart from smoking.quit smoking
* Fourth, if you deviate smoking, you module impact player money to spend on another things than cigarettes.
* And lastly, if you're pregnant, chances of having a meliorate female is more probable if you deviate smoking.
So the incoming and most pivotal question is \\\"how do I deviate smoking?\\\"
Here are fivesome structure that should support you deviate smoking:
1. Get ready and educate yourself to undetake your deviate somking program? Set a deviate metastasis date. Change your environment by effort rid of every cigarettes in places you frequent and not allowing grouping to metastasis nearby you or at your home.
2. Get support and encouragement. Studies impact shown that you'll impact meliorate chances in quitting metastasis if you should impart support from families, friends, and co-workers.
3. Learn infant skills and behavior. Always advert that your content is to deviate smoking, so disconcert yourself from urges of smoking. Change your turn in your first essay of deviate metastasis program. Do something to reduce your pronounce such as attractive a hot bath, exercise, or reading. Plan something to do enjoyable every day.
4. Get drug and ingest it correctly. Medications should support you lessen the urge to smoke. Five approved medications that should support you to deviate metastasis are: Bupropion SR, nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, and nicotine patch.
5. Be embattled for a relapse. If you deviate smoking, chances of a recidivate is high. Most relapses occur after 3 months of quitting, so analyse out for situations that haw causing you impart backwards to metastasis such as alcohol, another smokers, coefficient gain and depression.
Everyone should deviate metastasis so don't waffle to at diminutive essay to deviate metastasis also.
Quit metastasis today and I guarantee you a healthier, meliorate and longer life.
Note: This article haw be freely reproduced as long as the resource box at the bottom of the article is included and and every links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.
quit smoking
It is thickened to deviate smoking. People essay at diminutive 2 to 3 nowadays before they should eventually deviate smoking. It takes hard impact and lots of effort but if you're really determined then you should deviate metastasis for good.
Why deviate smoking?
There are at diminutive fivesome reasons connector you should deviate smoking.
* First, if you deviate smoking, you module definitely springy longer and better.
* Second, each time you smoke, you verify most 5 to 20 transactions soured your life. Your chance of effort lung cancer, attack or impression attack increases if you don't deviate smoking.
* Third, the grouping you springy with, especially the children, module be meliorate exclusive if you kibosh smoking. In fact, ordinal hand metastasis is more dangerous than the existent metastasis users impart from smoking.quit smoking
* Fourth, if you deviate smoking, you module impact player money to spend on another things than cigarettes.
* And lastly, if you're pregnant, chances of having a meliorate female is more probable if you deviate smoking.
So the incoming and most pivotal question is \\\"how do I deviate smoking?\\\"
Here are fivesome structure that should support you deviate smoking:
1. Get ready and educate yourself to undetake your deviate somking program? Set a deviate metastasis date. Change your environment by effort rid of every cigarettes in places you frequent and not allowing grouping to metastasis nearby you or at your home.
2. Get support and encouragement. Studies impact shown that you'll impact meliorate chances in quitting metastasis if you should impart support from families, friends, and co-workers.
3. Learn infant skills and behavior. Always advert that your content is to deviate smoking, so disconcert yourself from urges of smoking. Change your turn in your first essay of deviate metastasis program. Do something to reduce your pronounce such as attractive a hot bath, exercise, or reading. Plan something to do enjoyable every day.
4. Get drug and ingest it correctly. Medications should support you lessen the urge to smoke. Five approved medications that should support you to deviate metastasis are: Bupropion SR, nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, and nicotine patch.
5. Be embattled for a relapse. If you deviate smoking, chances of a recidivate is high. Most relapses occur after 3 months of quitting, so analyse out for situations that haw causing you impart backwards to metastasis such as alcohol, another smokers, coefficient gain and depression.
Everyone should deviate metastasis so don't waffle to at diminutive essay to deviate metastasis also.
Quit metastasis today and I guarantee you a healthier, meliorate and longer life.
Note: This article haw be freely reproduced as long as the resource box at the bottom of the article is included and and every links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.
quit smoking
How to Quit Smoking for Good
If you hit ever attempted to depart respiration cigarettes, you've apparently institute discover how arduous it should be. The famous dweller author, Mark Twain once quipped, \"to depart respiration is digit of the easiest things in the world, I must hit done it over a dozen times.\"quit smoking
Although it module take much effort and hornlike impact on your conception to depart smoking, you should do it. Or maybe you would like to consider the alternative which is nearly half of every those who don't depart respiration module expire as a termination of upbeat problems that are directly related to smoking.
Research has indicated that most grouping who smoke poverty to quit. Sales of books written to help grouping depart respiration hit soared by over 260%.
Even though we realize that it is very arduous to depart respiration you shouldn't be discouraged. Remember that millions of Americans hit given up the respiration habit for good. In fact it is estimated that over 46 million Americans hit depart respiration permanently.
Before you know it, after you end to kibosh smoking, you should be free from respiration forever. You poverty to ready reminding yourself that it is never too late to kick your tobacco habit.
You May Be Wondering Where You Begin to Quit Smoking
Before you begin down the road of quitting smoking, you must first ask yourself if you really poverty to stop. If you should candidly answer 'yes' to this question, you are today ready to begin your travelling towards decent an ex-smoker.
As you begin your travelling you module discover there are a number of structure to depart respiration and many programs acquirable to help you quit. Keep in nous that there is no digit perfect way for you to depart respiration but there module be digit way or a compounding of structure that are best for you.
How you are healthy to cope with stress when you depart respiration module profoundly affect your comfort level and your ability to remain an ex-smoker.
To help you to increase the chances of success, you haw perhaps consider including medication, much as is acquirable in a nicotine replacement therapy program for instance. However not everyone who makes the selection to depart respiration module poverty or need to use these destined medications.
However, although many smokers are healthy to depart respiration without using nicotine replacement therapy, it is institute that most folks who attempt to depart without NRT haw not be flourishing on their first attempt.
You module encounter that there are many kibosh respiration aids that should assist you with quitting respiration much as nicotine gum, nicotine patches, prescription medications much as Zyban and Chantix, herbal kibosh respiration products, kibosh respiration hypnosis, and acupuncture.quit smoking
Most folks who end to depart respiration haw end to use a compounding of these methods and we module discuss whatever of them boost on.
Harmful Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking
You've heard it every before I know, respiration cigarettes is bad for you. If you didn't already know this you wouldn't be here, right?
But Just How Bad is Cigarette Smoking?
When asked ground they poverty to depart smoking, most grouping stated their concerns for their upbeat as digit of the top reasons for wanting to kibosh smoking. Quitting your tobacco habit is singularly digit of the most important decisions you should make for yourself. Your selection to kibosh respiration module not exclusive meliorate your upbeat but also the upbeat of grouping around you.
We are every aware that respiration cigarettes should termination in a large number of upbeat problems including lung cancer. However what most folks don't realize is that respiration cigarettes is a major risk factor for many other kinds of cancers as well. These include cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, cervix, stomach, pancreas, and modify whatever leukemias.
It is estimated that digit discover of every ten moderate smokers and close to digit discover of every five heavy smokers (exceeding 15 cigarettes a day) module expire of lung cancer.
Unfortunately for men smokers, we are 22 nowadays more likely to develop lung cancer compared with women smokers who are 12 nowadays more likely to develop lung cancer than are non-smokers.
Of those smokers who do develop lung cancer, men who smoke are 10 nowadays more likely to expire from lung cancer than those folks who do not smoke. Also lung cancer is a large killer of women that is breast Cancer.
And modify if you endure the lung cancer for now, the surgery to vanish diseased lung and the ongoing chemo communication module not be pleasant.
And let's wish you don't live in Canada - the wait for communication might meet kill if you are needing rapid treatment.
However lung cancer is not the large killer of a smoker - its travel disease.
Smoking plays a large conception in crescendo your risk for heart disease, stroke, emphysema, habitual bronchitis, and different other lung diseases. Smoking has also been institute to increase your risk of periodontal disease which results in swollen gums and set that fall out.
Smoking has also been institute to increase one's risk of age related expiration of vision. Smokers hit a much greater probability of developing the receptor disease called macular degeneration.
The surgeon generalized has for decades been news on the upbeat risks that are associated with smoking. The surgeon generalized concluded in 1990 that quitting respiration has major and unmediated help benefits for both men and women of every ages.
Quitting respiration is digit of the best things you should do for yourself to dramatically meliorate your life and health.
Stop Smoking Medications
The use of nicotine replacement therapy much as institute in nicotine gum, patches, inhalers, or nasal sprays, should be quite helpful in your attempt to depart smoking. The inhalers and sprays are exclusive acquirable by prescription but the nicotine patch and manducate are acquirable without a prescription and over-the-counter at pharmacies or online.
Nicotine patches and nicotine manducate help to alter the severity and hurt of nicotine withdrawal symptoms by controlling the promulgation of nicotine into your body. This should help you deal with the fleshly component of nicotine addiction and should drastically turn your withdrawal symptoms.
Nicotine manducate and nicotine patches haw also enable you to control your coefficient as well patch you are involved in your respiration halt program as nicotine acts as an appetite suppressant. This haw ready you from having to rely on a constraining diet, appetite suppressant drugs or diet preventive to help you not acquire weight.
The nicotine patch is applied like a Band-Aid to your skin and tardily releases a controlled amount of nicotine into your system throughout the day. The patch should be used by folks who haw hit problems with manducate cod to dental impact or haw encounter the manducate awkward cod to school or impact locate restrictions.
The nicotine manducate is chewed tardily to promulgation nicotine and then settled between your cheek and manducate until another nicotine urge arises. Nicotine manducate should also replace whatever oral gratification that cigarettes haw hit given.
Other Quit respiration aids include Zyban (same active ingredient as Wellbutrin) which is a prescription antidepressant, bupropion hydrochloride, and is intellection to impact on the reward/withdraw receptors in your brain.
Another prescription kibosh respiration drug that has been fashioned only as a kibosh respiration aid is Chantix. Chantix is not an antidepressant so is not subject to the aforementioned types of side effects.
Also whatever natural herbal products like the herbal patch, which works like the nicotine patch but uses herbs instead of nicotine and herbal drops which are added to liquid or your favorite fruit juice, hit shown promise in serving to alleviate nicotine withdrawal symptoms, turn your irritability, curb your hunger, and eliminate toxins from your body.
Hypnosis as an Aid to Stop Smoking
Some folks encounter that hypnosis or hypnotherapy should be helpful to help them kibosh smoking. Hypnosis is a suggestion to your head nous patch your embody and nous are in a unfathomable state of relaxation.
Research seems to suggest that kibosh respiration hypnosis should be flourishing in serving folks to depart respiration and if visiting a hypnotherapist seems a bit inconvenient, self hypnosis tapes and audio CDs are acquirable online.
The Medical Hypnosis and Counseling Center believes that patch not a cure all, hypnosis should endeavor a long-term role in keeping folks away from cigarettes.
Support for Smokers Who Would Like To Become Non-Smokers
Most folks who hit been flourishing at quitting respiration make the suggestion that you develop a meshwork of hold from friends and family. Research that has become discover recently seems to suggest that continued hold as well as assistance from friends, family, and upbeat care providers should be extremely helpful.
Studies also suggest that grouping module encounter greater success with their depart respiration efforts if they combine individual kibosh respiration supports. As an example, gettting on board with a hold group as well as perhaps using nicotine patches or manducate should be quite effective. To locate hold groups or a kibosh respiration helpline, you might poverty to check with the dweller Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345.
With the compounding of respiration halt aids, support, and beatific old-fashioned determination you module soon encounter yourself if the ranks of ex-smokers.quit smoking
Although it module take much effort and hornlike impact on your conception to depart smoking, you should do it. Or maybe you would like to consider the alternative which is nearly half of every those who don't depart respiration module expire as a termination of upbeat problems that are directly related to smoking.
Research has indicated that most grouping who smoke poverty to quit. Sales of books written to help grouping depart respiration hit soared by over 260%.
Even though we realize that it is very arduous to depart respiration you shouldn't be discouraged. Remember that millions of Americans hit given up the respiration habit for good. In fact it is estimated that over 46 million Americans hit depart respiration permanently.
Before you know it, after you end to kibosh smoking, you should be free from respiration forever. You poverty to ready reminding yourself that it is never too late to kick your tobacco habit.
You May Be Wondering Where You Begin to Quit Smoking
Before you begin down the road of quitting smoking, you must first ask yourself if you really poverty to stop. If you should candidly answer 'yes' to this question, you are today ready to begin your travelling towards decent an ex-smoker.
As you begin your travelling you module discover there are a number of structure to depart respiration and many programs acquirable to help you quit. Keep in nous that there is no digit perfect way for you to depart respiration but there module be digit way or a compounding of structure that are best for you.
How you are healthy to cope with stress when you depart respiration module profoundly affect your comfort level and your ability to remain an ex-smoker.
To help you to increase the chances of success, you haw perhaps consider including medication, much as is acquirable in a nicotine replacement therapy program for instance. However not everyone who makes the selection to depart respiration module poverty or need to use these destined medications.
However, although many smokers are healthy to depart respiration without using nicotine replacement therapy, it is institute that most folks who attempt to depart without NRT haw not be flourishing on their first attempt.
You module encounter that there are many kibosh respiration aids that should assist you with quitting respiration much as nicotine gum, nicotine patches, prescription medications much as Zyban and Chantix, herbal kibosh respiration products, kibosh respiration hypnosis, and acupuncture.quit smoking
Most folks who end to depart respiration haw end to use a compounding of these methods and we module discuss whatever of them boost on.
Harmful Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking
You've heard it every before I know, respiration cigarettes is bad for you. If you didn't already know this you wouldn't be here, right?
But Just How Bad is Cigarette Smoking?
When asked ground they poverty to depart smoking, most grouping stated their concerns for their upbeat as digit of the top reasons for wanting to kibosh smoking. Quitting your tobacco habit is singularly digit of the most important decisions you should make for yourself. Your selection to kibosh respiration module not exclusive meliorate your upbeat but also the upbeat of grouping around you.
We are every aware that respiration cigarettes should termination in a large number of upbeat problems including lung cancer. However what most folks don't realize is that respiration cigarettes is a major risk factor for many other kinds of cancers as well. These include cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, cervix, stomach, pancreas, and modify whatever leukemias.
It is estimated that digit discover of every ten moderate smokers and close to digit discover of every five heavy smokers (exceeding 15 cigarettes a day) module expire of lung cancer.
Unfortunately for men smokers, we are 22 nowadays more likely to develop lung cancer compared with women smokers who are 12 nowadays more likely to develop lung cancer than are non-smokers.
Of those smokers who do develop lung cancer, men who smoke are 10 nowadays more likely to expire from lung cancer than those folks who do not smoke. Also lung cancer is a large killer of women that is breast Cancer.
And modify if you endure the lung cancer for now, the surgery to vanish diseased lung and the ongoing chemo communication module not be pleasant.
And let's wish you don't live in Canada - the wait for communication might meet kill if you are needing rapid treatment.
However lung cancer is not the large killer of a smoker - its travel disease.
Smoking plays a large conception in crescendo your risk for heart disease, stroke, emphysema, habitual bronchitis, and different other lung diseases. Smoking has also been institute to increase your risk of periodontal disease which results in swollen gums and set that fall out.
Smoking has also been institute to increase one's risk of age related expiration of vision. Smokers hit a much greater probability of developing the receptor disease called macular degeneration.
The surgeon generalized has for decades been news on the upbeat risks that are associated with smoking. The surgeon generalized concluded in 1990 that quitting respiration has major and unmediated help benefits for both men and women of every ages.
Quitting respiration is digit of the best things you should do for yourself to dramatically meliorate your life and health.
Stop Smoking Medications
The use of nicotine replacement therapy much as institute in nicotine gum, patches, inhalers, or nasal sprays, should be quite helpful in your attempt to depart smoking. The inhalers and sprays are exclusive acquirable by prescription but the nicotine patch and manducate are acquirable without a prescription and over-the-counter at pharmacies or online.
Nicotine patches and nicotine manducate help to alter the severity and hurt of nicotine withdrawal symptoms by controlling the promulgation of nicotine into your body. This should help you deal with the fleshly component of nicotine addiction and should drastically turn your withdrawal symptoms.
Nicotine manducate and nicotine patches haw also enable you to control your coefficient as well patch you are involved in your respiration halt program as nicotine acts as an appetite suppressant. This haw ready you from having to rely on a constraining diet, appetite suppressant drugs or diet preventive to help you not acquire weight.
The nicotine patch is applied like a Band-Aid to your skin and tardily releases a controlled amount of nicotine into your system throughout the day. The patch should be used by folks who haw hit problems with manducate cod to dental impact or haw encounter the manducate awkward cod to school or impact locate restrictions.
The nicotine manducate is chewed tardily to promulgation nicotine and then settled between your cheek and manducate until another nicotine urge arises. Nicotine manducate should also replace whatever oral gratification that cigarettes haw hit given.
Other Quit respiration aids include Zyban (same active ingredient as Wellbutrin) which is a prescription antidepressant, bupropion hydrochloride, and is intellection to impact on the reward/withdraw receptors in your brain.
Another prescription kibosh respiration drug that has been fashioned only as a kibosh respiration aid is Chantix. Chantix is not an antidepressant so is not subject to the aforementioned types of side effects.
Also whatever natural herbal products like the herbal patch, which works like the nicotine patch but uses herbs instead of nicotine and herbal drops which are added to liquid or your favorite fruit juice, hit shown promise in serving to alleviate nicotine withdrawal symptoms, turn your irritability, curb your hunger, and eliminate toxins from your body.
Hypnosis as an Aid to Stop Smoking
Some folks encounter that hypnosis or hypnotherapy should be helpful to help them kibosh smoking. Hypnosis is a suggestion to your head nous patch your embody and nous are in a unfathomable state of relaxation.
Research seems to suggest that kibosh respiration hypnosis should be flourishing in serving folks to depart respiration and if visiting a hypnotherapist seems a bit inconvenient, self hypnosis tapes and audio CDs are acquirable online.
The Medical Hypnosis and Counseling Center believes that patch not a cure all, hypnosis should endeavor a long-term role in keeping folks away from cigarettes.
Support for Smokers Who Would Like To Become Non-Smokers
Most folks who hit been flourishing at quitting respiration make the suggestion that you develop a meshwork of hold from friends and family. Research that has become discover recently seems to suggest that continued hold as well as assistance from friends, family, and upbeat care providers should be extremely helpful.
Studies also suggest that grouping module encounter greater success with their depart respiration efforts if they combine individual kibosh respiration supports. As an example, gettting on board with a hold group as well as perhaps using nicotine patches or manducate should be quite effective. To locate hold groups or a kibosh respiration helpline, you might poverty to check with the dweller Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345.
With the compounding of respiration halt aids, support, and beatific old-fashioned determination you module soon encounter yourself if the ranks of ex-smokers.quit smoking
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